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  Karen Smith
Karen Smith
"when i had thyroid cancer i learned how strong i am; breast cancer taught me how loved i am"
  Karen Smith

Chemo 2 more red devil

I got the second dose of AC red devil chemo today. Another robot for neulasta shot. White blood counts were high. All looks good.

2 more doses like this. Then a break for my birthday and then Taxol round of chemo 8-12 weeks.

Hair is starting to come out. Will likely shave tonight. Bald is beautiful!

The nurse wore full protective gear as the chemo adriamycin is very toxic. Drinking lots to flush it. Makes me pee pink.

Progress. We are killing any cancer cells or seeds floating around.

Thank you all for encouragement, prayers, love, kind words, meals and donations. I couldn't do this without an army.

Chemo dose 2 AC

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